Proposed road expansion plan which runs through the residential area of Meridian Square, Abbi Road.

STOP Carteret officials from destroying our quiet neighborhoods & endangering our children.

The Borough of Carteret is working on a massive, multi-million-dollar waterfront development plan – without notifying residents about the development or asking residents for their approval.

The Borough’s plan includes forcibly taking private residential property to build an extension of Carteret Avenue through our quiet residential community to access a ferry, a hotel and large commercial buildings. The proposed Carteret Avenue extension will cross Roosevelt Avenue, creating a commuter highway to the waterfront, Hundreds of additional cars, trucks and buses a day will be traveling through our quiet neighborhood. The children and parents of the nearby Columbus School and the Carteret Middle School will face dangerous traffic conditions. 

The Alternative

There is an alternative to the borough’s irresponsible plan. Industrial Highway and Roosevelt Avenue, both county roads, are very capable of handling the traffic to the ferry.  But the mayor and council refuse to consider these viable alternatives.

We need to convince them to protect our neighborhood safety.  

Watch this space for the updates from the Borough Council Meeting, that happened on Feb 22, 2024.

Why Say NO

There are a thousand reasons for the road extension, we have a thousand and one reasons why there should not be one.

Parking Spaces Lost

The apartment complex will lose up to 70 parking spaces.

Traffic Volume

Hundreds of commuter cars and buses rumbling through our neighborhood every day.

Wastage of Resource

Building the commuter road is a waste of taxpayer money.

Massive Budget

The Borough has amassed $48 million of state taxpayer money far for a project few know about.

Save Our Neighborhood:
Stop the Carteret Avenue Extension

Please sign our petition

The Borough of Carteret is seeking to extend Carteret Avenue across Roosevelt Avenue & Industrial Highway to the waterfront. To do that the Borough is condemning private property at the Meridian Square & Meridian Terrace apartment complexes.  The town will use the property to build a commuter road leading to a proposed ferry terminal.

The Carteret Avenue extension, ultimately situated between Meridian Square and Lexington of Carteret, will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. The road extension will bring continual noise of cars and trucks going to the waterfront, pollution, and commuter traffic into our quiet residential neighborhoods. 

The road extension will convey ferry traffic past the Columbus School and the Carteret Middle School – posing a danger to school children.

The road extension is NOT necessary. Existing roads can handle the traffic to the waterfront.

We, the undersigned, petition the Mayor and Council of Carteret Borough to abandon the plan to take private, residential property to build an extension of Carteret Avenue through a residential neighborhood to the waterfront.   It is unnecessary and dangerous to our community.