Proposed road expansion plan which runs through the residential area of Meridian Square, Abbi Road.

Carteret Residents Will Be Heard About  Town’s Waterfront Redevelopment Plans; Concerns Expressed About Commuter Road Cutting Through Residential Neighborhood

January 17, 2024

(Carteret NJ)  Mayor Daniel Reiman has consented to citizen requests to hold and in-person public meeting about his extensive plans to for the redevelopment of the borough’s waterfront; including the construction of ferry terminal and the extension of Carteret Avenue through an apartment complex and a residential  neighborhood.

The meeting on the waterfront development will be held as part of the Borough Council’s regularly scheduled meeting on February 22, according to the mayor’s chief of staff Frank Bellino.

Resident Wayne Johnson is spearheading resident opposition to the Carteret Avenue extension. He and others have been working for months to make the community aware of the borough’s plans. Johnson has been seeking an in-person meeting with the mayor and council so the residents can learn more about the mayor’s waterfront plan, which so far has amassed $48 million in state grants, according to statements by the mayor.

The residents say they have received no direct communication from the borough about any part of the waterfront redevelopment – or the extension of Carteret Avenue through their neighborhood; which includes a grammar school.

The borough is attempting to use eminent domain to condemn portions of the Meridian Square and Meridian Terrace apartment complexes to accommodate a road extension that would connect Roosevelt Avenue and Industrial Highway for commuter traffic.

Johnson sent a letter to the mayor in early-December seeking an in-person meeting between the town officials and neighborhood residents. However, in  two separate reports in local media outlets, the town declined to host a meeting on the waterfront redevelopment, saying residents have already been properly informed about the mayor’s plans  – which Johnson and other residents vehemently deny. 

Bellino  –  in a December 22 email to Johnson – offered to host an in-person meeting on  the ferry at the January 18, 2024  council meeting.

Johnson said the meeting date coming so soon after the holidays would not provide enough time to inform residents to attend the council meeting.  Bellino responded in a January 8 email to Johnson, saying the residents request for a meeting would be moved to February 22.


Johnson said he was hoping for a special meeting with the mayor and council to discuss the waterfront plans, but said the February 22 date is acceptable.

“The residents are not asking for the moon, all we want is the opportunity to get information about the ferry activity and the general waterfront redevelopment —  and the chance to express our disapproval to cutting a commuter road through our neighborhood,” said Johnson, who has lived in the apartment complex for 10 years.

“We want to be respected as true partners in the reconstruction of the waterfront that is using tens of millions of taxpayer dollars,” said Johnson.

“Most of us chose to live where we do because this part of Carteret is very peaceful, quiet and safe. All of that will change drastically if the borough’s plans are not changed,” added Johnson.

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